Tuesday, February 12, 2013



You know how sometimes you get all inspired and are all, like, 'Hey, I'm going to start a blog!' and things are going along alright and you keep going despite your lack of creative genius and then suddenly life gets too much in the way and your family is sick non-stop for two months and you are dealing with the first trimester of your fourth pregnancy on top of all the never-ending house renovations and the adjusting to a new city and all of a sudden it has been two months since your last post?!?

Ya, I didn't think you'd understand. But there you have it. That's what it's been like.

But I'm happy to report that I'm comfortably in my second trimester now (no longer feeling like I'm constantly gagging, and not yet large enough to be uncomfortable in all my swollen glory). Also, we are so so so thankful that our entire family has been healthy, non-stop, for a solid two weeks now. It has been wonderful.

So we are plugging along, and I am determined (again) to write. I don't aim to write because I have delusions that the world needs to hear my voice. I just want to write because I want to. I need to, too, I think.

Here is one anecdote before I go to play some Brahms. Orion and I went to a performance of the Seattle Symphony on Saturday night. I was preparing the boys ahead of time for the fact that Daddy and I would be at the concert, and their eyes grew big and sad as they said 'I want to go to the symphony too.' (Be still, my heart!) I told them that on a special Saturday morning in March, they were going to get to hear the Seattle Symphony play Prokofiev's 'Peter and the Wolf' (which they love). A smile spread across their faces in a flash, but then Son #1 grew concerned and said 'Maybe just Peter will be there.'

It took a few moments of calm explanation to convince him that there would not, in fact, be a live wolf at the concert.